Espressini Sketches, Botanical Art & Grants

April 5, 2012 § 1 Comment

Recently I’ve been spending some time sketching in Espressini, a beautiful coffee (and hot chocolate!) shop in Falmouth. The owner Rupert has an amazing relationship with the Illustration course, putting on the Falphabet exhibition, and supporting the quotes book. 
Not to mention, the hot chocolates are delicious (from single estate cacao) and I’m told the coffees are pretty special (shame I don’t drink coffee.)

And here is some other sketchbook work

I have a very talented friend who is a fantastic botanical artist (Jessica Rosemary Shepherd), she just passed her course with a credit! And she is now going to be featured in a new publication! Go and check out her work, its really something.
Sadly I’m going to end on a down note. I applied to the Ferdynand Zweig Memorial Grant, and got a letter in the post today saying that I was unsuccessful in my application.
This means more trawling for grants and more applications, this is all time taken away from actually doing more artwork, so its really not great. 
If you could spare even a little bit of money towards the cause I would be amazingly appreciative, as it goes towards getting me out to Borneo to do some vital training as a natural history illustrator in field. 
You can donate here:
or you can but a print of my work here (proceeds will be put into the donations page)
I’ll be doing some more bake sales and also book/print sales at university so keep an eye out for them, but if you could afford a print or a smaller donation, I would be so so so appreciative I might just write you a card with a little drawing in it. 
Thanks to anyone that donates, I know most of us are all hard up students in the same situation!

§ One Response to Espressini Sketches, Botanical Art & Grants

  • Thanks for mentioning me Steph – that's really sweet of you! Lovely sketchbook work – I really ought to get racking on with something soon. Talking of tea and coffee, I am currently drinking a lot of nettle tea as recommended by my acupuncturist. It's very nice but I do miss my Camellia!

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